
Upcoming Classes & Events

Embroidered Mushroom

Tuesday, March 25 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm CDT

Embroidered Ledger Book @ Moore Lake Community Ctr

Thursday, March 27 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm CDT

Lily Pond Pin Cushion

Tuesday, April 8 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm CDT

Intro to Fabric Design @ WBCA

Thursday, April 17 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm CDT


How do I Start to Learn Hand Embroidery?

I had a great email question a few days ago from a person who wanted to know how to get started learning to do hand embroidery. A friend of hers had taken several of my classes and said “Talk to Becka!” but she didn’t know what to choose. So I thought it would be helpful to write a post to help everyone find the right place for you to get started learning to embroider with me. I teach in a whole bunch of different formats so it can be hard to know where to start. Whether you like to learn [read more…]

March 20th, 2025|Embroidery, Everything Else|1 Comment

Teacher Tips: What to do when a class gets cancelled

I’ve been teaching for more than 20 years as an independent contractor. That means that most of the time, I am partnered up with an organization like my county library system, an art center, shop or museum and teaching a class with them. Sometimes those classes get cancelled. There are lots of different reasons for that (like pandemics and weather) but most often it’s because there are not enough people signed up to make the math work out. So I thought I’d write a little about what I do when a class gets cancelled, especially for those of you who [read more…]

March 18th, 2025|An Artist's Life, Classes & Teaching|0 Comments

International Art & Found Day 2025

One of my goals for my business this year was to “Bring more joy.” and tomorrow’s project is going to do exactly that. I am participating in International Art & Found Day, a day when thousands of artworks from artists all over the world will be placed within their local communities for neighboring residents to find. #artandfoundday

I found out about this from a follow artist friend and it happens to land on my Dad’s birthday. What better way to celebrate (since my dad is also an artist) than to share some [read more…]

March 11th, 2025|An Artist's Life, Freebies & Patterns|2 Comments

Embroidery Tutorial: Tying a Knot

A few posts back, I wrote a tutorial about how to prevent and untie knots in your embroidery, but sometimes you need a knot to finish off a row of stitches. This is the way I tie knots in thicker fabrics like felt or fleece where you can stitch just part way through the fabric without it showing on the front side. Here’s a video showing a short demonstration.

The step where you put the fabric down on the table and hold it with your fingers is actually more important than you might think. It’s easy, especially with felt, to [read more…]

March 5th, 2025|Everything Else|Comments Off on Embroidery Tutorial: Tying a Knot

Hi, I’m Becka.

Talking about fabric design, teaching, and the life and business of being an artist.

Teaching online and in person classes in embroidery, handcrafts, technology, fabric design and artist business skills. Co-author of The Spoonflower Handbook.

Making books, paper art and fiber art geekery.

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