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This session will be presented in two online lecture/demo sections with a break in between.

Designing your own Fabric: A Spoonful of Spoonflower

Designing fabric is more than just putting pencil to paper or generating pixels in Photoshop; it’s about connecting and sharing stories and ideas. Get a tour of what it’s like to design fabrics and print them using Spoonflower, a web-based service for printing your own fabric designs. Get the scoop on the technical details of uploading and proofing your files, see samples of different fabrics and walk through the process from start to finish. We’ll also talk cost-saving tips for getting the most out of your yard of fabric, ways to proof designs and more.

Selling your Fabric Designs is as Simple as Tacos

Have you dreamed of being a fabric designer? Spoonflower is a print-on-demand service with a Marketplace of thousands of designs that are created by designers all over the world and are available for anyone to purchase by the swatch or by the yard. Anyone can be a designer by uploading a design and getting a proof swatch. Once it’s available for sale, you get a commission on every purchase. The most important thing you need to know to get started? TACOS! Learn how Theme, Audience, Color, Object, Scale are the key to success when selling your designs and get answers to your questions about copyright, copycats and more.

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