A few posts back, I wrote a tutorial about how to prevent and untie knots in your embroidery, but sometimes you need a knot to finish off a row of stitches. This is the way I tie knots in thicker fabrics like felt or fleece where you can stitch just part way through the fabric without it showing on the front side. Here’s a video showing a short demonstration.

The step where you put the fabric down on the table and hold it with your fingers is actually more important than you might think. It’s easy, especially with felt, to pull or stretch the fabric as you pull on the thread. Holding it against the table, helps stabilize it so you are less likely to pull it apart.

If you have a thinner fabric, you can tie a knot the same way but you need to make that first anchor stitch a little differently, by stitching into the back of another stitch nearby or in a way that you can hide it under another stitch.