Tea Towel from a Recipe Card (FULL)

Farmington Library 508 3rd St, Farmington

Do you have a favorite handwritten recipe card in your collection? Make your own keepsake tea towel by scanning your grandmother’s handwritten recipe card and learning how to digitally print it on to linen fabric with Spoonflower to make a one-of-a-kind tea towel. Beginners welcome; basic computer skills needed. Shared laptops will be provided for students for class; you may bring your own computer if you would like to. Bring a 5x3 inch recipe card with you to class. Your printed fabric will be mailed to you after class.   Updated 9/18/19: This session is full, but I am working on scheduling some more classes in the metro area. Just send me a quick note on my contact form if you are interested and I will send you an email when I have the details arranged. 

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