Cancelled – Digitize your Color Palette

HeartFelt Silks 243 Third St South, Bayport

We all have a palette of colors that we are drawn to. When you pick out a new sweater or choose a colored pencil out of the jar on your desk, there are colors that you always go for and ones that you avoid at all costs. In this class, we will embrace those colors you love and help you bring them into the digital realm by designing two fabrics that use your personal palette. We’ll start with finding colors in recycled paper and magazine pages and learn how to translate those colors into HEX codes. Using both the paper and digital color swatches, we will create two geometric patterns that we will upload and print on to fabric at Spoonflower to make in to two infinity scarves for you to wear. Knowing how colors will translate from screen to fabric can be challenging; you will leave this class with hands-on experience working with color in a digital medium and samples you can use to create color palettes for future projects with confidence. Materials fee $40, includes fabric for two scarves, shipping, and a printed color map. This class is a new option I am offering as a “hybrid [read more...]

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