DCL Online: Felted Cup Cozy

Dakota County Library - Online

Whether it's the season where your iced tea glass has condensation running down the sides or you want a cozy wrap around your warm coffee mug. Make a reusable felted wool cup cozy to catch the drips or protect your fingers. Using just wool and soapy water, we’ll make a ring of soft, sturdy felt fabric and fit it to your favorite cup. You will need to provide some soap and warm water (dish soap or liquid hand soap works great) and a couple of small containers for this class. All other materials will be provided for the project including wool roving and a felting mat. Materials kits will be mailed to you or are available to pick up before class. You will need the tools in the kit, so you must have a materials kit to participate in class.


Zoom Class: Beaded Coneflowers

Zoom/Online Event

Learn to make your own beaded felt coneflower or echinacea. Flowers are made from wool/rayon blend felt, with a beaded center stitched to a felt bead. Your flower can be finished into a holiday ornament, decor to hang in your house, or make several and combine them into a mobile. You will learn how to do one basic embroidery stitch (whip stitch) and learn how to stitch beads. This is a fun hand-stitching project that’s great for all skill levels. You don’t need any embroidery experience. The only thing you need to supply for this class is scissors and a small dish for beads; all of the materials are included in a kit which will be mailed to you via USPS. Please register early so the materials have a chance to arrive in time. Class will be held via Zoom. A Zoom link will be emailed to you on the Monday before class is scheduled to begin. Withdrawal and cancellation policy for this class If you need to withdraw from this class, just send me an email and I can take care of that for you. If I have not yet mailed your materials kit, I am happy to [read more...]

$10.00 – $15.00

Zoom Class: Folded Paper Window Stars (Added Session)

Zoom/Online Event

Learn to make folded paper stars from translucent glassine paper. These stars look complicated but use lots of simple layered repeating shapes to create the complex designs. You'll learn two different patterns and the kit contains paper to make 4 stars. Your completed stars can be hung in a window for a colorful display. This class is great for beginners; suggested ages 9 and up. You don't need to provide any supplies or materials for this class; all of the materials are included in a kit which will be mailed to you via USPS. Please register early so the materials have a chance to arrive in time. Class will be held via Zoom. A Zoom link will be emailed to you a few days before class is scheduled to begin. Withdrawal and cancellation policy for this class If you need to withdraw from this class, just send me an email and I can take care of that for you. If I have not yet mailed your materials kit, I am happy to refund your full class fee. Materials kits are usually mailed approximately 2 weeks before the class is scheduled to begin. If your materials kit has already been [read more...]

$10.00 – $15.00

DCL Online: Folded Paper Window Stars

Dakota County Library - Online

Learn to make folded paper stars from translucent glassine paper. These stars look complicated but use lots of simple layered repeating shapes to create the complex designs. Your completed stars can be hung in a window for a colorful display. Students do not need to provide any materials for this class except for a smooth work surface. All other materials will be provided for the project including glassine paper (for 2 stars), practice paper, folding tool, gluestick. Materials kits will be mailed to you or are available to pick up before class. You will need the tools in the kit, so you must have a materials kit to participate in class.


DCL Online: Beginning Cross Stitch

Dakota County Library - Online

Learn three basic embroidery stitches: cross stitch, back stitch and french knot. Choose your design from a collection of tiny characters: birds and bugs, dinosaurs, robots, dogs and cats and more. Get tips for handling thread, blending colors and finishing your piece into an ornament, coaster, card or tiny wall art.  You will need to provide a pair of scissors for this class. All other materials will be provided for the project including fabric & threads, needle, hoop, patterns. Materials kits will be mailed to you or are available to pick up before class. You will need the tools in the kit, so you must have a materials kit to participate in class.


DCL Online: Tea Towel from a Recipe Card

Dakota County Library - Online

Do you have a favorite handwritten recipe card in your collection? Learn how to make your own keepsake tea towel by scanning your grandmother’s handwritten recipe card and scaling it up to fill a fat quarter of fabric. See how to upload and digitally print it on to linen-cotton fabric with Spoonflower to make a one-of-a-kind tea towel.  This class will be presented as a demo with detailed live Q&A. Because it is not feasible to complete a project on your computer while simultaneously watching a Zoom presentation, you will complete any projects on your own after class has ended. You do not need any special software or equipment for this class; all parts of the project can be completed using your own computer and basic web browser.

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